Search Results: "nicolas"

9 February 2012

Vincent Bernat: Recipes for extending Net-SNMP

SNMP stands for Simple Network Management Protocol. It allows a manager to query information from an agent. A popular use of SNMP is to retrieve network interface counters to plot a bandwidth graph. While the S in SNMP stands for simple, SNMP can be quite difficult to deal with. However, it is still the de facto standard for retrieving metrics in an heterogeneous environment. Net-SNMP is a suite of SNMP applications including an agent. Out of the box, this agent exports a lot of information but if something is missing, there are several ways to extend it. Which ones? tl;dr: in my opinion, extending Net-SNMP should be done with either of those methods:

SNMP in a nutshell The variables accessible with SNMP through the agent are organized in a tree. Each variable is typed and associated to an object identifier (or OID). For example, . is the OID of the name of the second network card. Usually, SNMP is operated over UDP, port 161. For the purpose of this article, we consider a manager can issue three kinds of requests:
retrieve a variable.
retrieve the next variable, in lexical order of their OID. This operation enables an SNMP manager to walk through all available variables, for example to discover the list of interfaces of an agent. This operation is what makes an SNMP agent difficult to implement but this is also a critical feature.
request the modification of a variable.
Since such an OID may be difficult to handle by humans, available variables are described by a MIB module which is a file that should be parsed to get a mapping between OID and variable names and types. For example, the above OID can also be referred as IF-MIB::ifName.2. Those MIB modules are described using a subset of ASN.1 defined in RFC 2578. A MIB module allows to group several variables into a conceptual table. For example, IF-MIB::ifDescr, IF-MIB::ifType, IF-MIB::ifSpeed are columns of IF-MIB::ifTable. Each row is associated to an index. In the case of IF-MIB::ifTable, it is the interface index. Net-SNMP includes snmptable allowing one to display such a table in a natural manner1:
$ snmptable localhost IF-MIB::ifTable
SNMP table: IF-MIB::ifTable
 ifIndex ifDescr           ifType ifMtu   ifSpeed
       1      lo softwareLoopback 16436  10000000
       2    eth0   ethernetCsmacd  1500 100000000
       3    eth1   ethernetCsmacd  1500  10000000
       4     br0   ethernetCsmacd  1500         0
Variables inside a table are called columnar objects while those outside are scalar objects. SNMP, as a protocol, does not care of this distinction since it does not know the concept of MIB modules. Other useful tools from Net-SNMP includes snmpget to get a specific variable, snmpwalk to discover available variables (with GETNEXT operation) from an OID and snmptranslate to translate between object names and OID.
$ snmpget localhost IF-MIB::ifDescr.2
IF-MIB::ifDescr.2 = STRING: eth0
$ snmpwalk localhost IF-MIB::ifDescr
IF-MIB::ifDescr.1 = STRING: lo
IF-MIB::ifDescr.2 = STRING: eth0
IF-MIB::ifDescr.3 = STRING: eth1
IF-MIB::ifDescr.4 = STRING: br0
$ snmpwalk -On public localhost .
. = STRING: lo
. = STRING: eth0
. = STRING: eth1
. = STRING: br0
$ snmptranslate -On IF-MIB::ifDescr.3

Extending Net-SNMP ethtool -S allows us to access various statistics from a network card, like the number of octets received and transmitted or the number of collisions. While some of those statistics are defined in IF-MIB, in RMON-MIB and in EtherLike-MIB, some of them are not available and very specific. Therefore, we would like to export those statistics, unmodified, through SNMP. To the best of my knowledge, no MIB module exists for such an usage. The first task is to write one. It can be called ETHTOOL-MIB. It only contains one table indexed by the interface index and the name of the statistic. Here is the expected output:
$ snmpwalk localhost ETHTOOL-MIB::ethtoolStat.2
ethtoolStat.2.'align_errors' = Counter64: 0
ethtoolStat.2.'broadcast' = Counter64: 25
ethtoolStat.2.'multicast' = Counter64: 345
ethtoolStat.2.'rx_errors' = Counter64: 0
ethtoolStat.2.'rx_missed' = Counter64: 0
ethtoolStat.2.'rx_packets' = Counter64: 262011
ethtoolStat.2.'tx_aborted' = Counter64: 0
ethtoolStat.2.'tx_errors' = Counter64: 0
ethtoolStat.2.'tx_multi_collisions' = Counter64: 0
ethtoolStat.2.'tx_packets' = Counter64: 296170
ethtoolStat.2.'tx_single_collisions' = Counter64: 0
ethtoolStat.2.'tx_underrun' = Counter64: 0
ethtoolStat.2.'unicast' = Counter64: 261641
I have coded various implementations of this MIB module and made them available in a GitHub repository.

With arbitrary commands The extend directive allows the agent to execute an arbitrary command and to provide its output and status through NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB module. If we want to export the statistics for eth0, we could add something like this in snmpd.conf, using a custom script to format the output of ethtool -S in a way that is more suitable for our use:
# Export eth0 statistics
extend eth0-names  /full/path/to/ethtool-stats eth0 names
extend eth0-values /full/path/to/ethtool-stats eth0 values
The result can be retrieved through NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB:: nsExtendOutput2Table:
$ snmpwalk localhost NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB::nsExtendOutput2Table
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-names".1 = STRING: tx_packets
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-names".2 = STRING: rx_packets
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-names".3 = STRING: tx_errors
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-names".4 = STRING: rx_errors
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-names".5 = STRING: rx_missed
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-names".6 = STRING: align_errors
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-names".7 = STRING: tx_single_collisions
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-names".8 = STRING: tx_multi_collisions
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-values".1 = STRING: 246309
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-values".2 = STRING: 223941
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-values".3 = STRING: 0
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-values".4 = STRING: 0
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-values".5 = STRING: 0
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-values".6 = STRING: 0
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-values".7 = STRING: 0
nsExtendOutLine."eth0-values".8 = STRING: 0
It is also possible to configure such a command using SET requests. For example, if we want to add statistics for eth2, we could issue the following command:
$ snmpset -m +NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB localhost \
>    'nsExtendStatus."eth2-names"'  = createAndGo \
>    'nsExtendCommand."eth2-names"' = /full/path/to/ethtool-stats \
>    'nsExtendArgs."eth2-names"'    = 'eth2 names' \
>    'nsExtendStatus."eth2-values"'  = createAndGo \
>    'nsExtendCommand."eth2-values"' = /full/path/to/ethtool-stats \
>    'nsExtendArgs."eth2-values"'    = 'eth2 values'
nsExtendStatus."eth2-names" = INTEGER: createAndGo(4)
nsExtendCommand."eth2-names" = STRING: /full/path/to/ethtool-stats
nsExtendArgs."eth2-names" = STRING: eth2 names
nsExtendStatus."eth2-values" = INTEGER: createAndGo(4)
nsExtendCommand."eth2-values" = STRING: /full/path/to/ethtool-stats
nsExtendArgs."eth2-values" = STRING: eth2 values
$ snmpgetnext -m +NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB localhost \
>    'nsExtendOutLine."eth2-names"'
nsExtendOutLine."eth2-names".1 = STRING: tx_packets
This can be very convenient but also a huge security risk. You should disable this functionality or enable it only for some SNMPv3 user. Using extend does not allow to implement an arbitrary MIB module. If the cache is not disabled, extend is a good solution for various simple needs, like providing the content of a one-line file or the output of some Nagios plugin. However, exporting anything tabular, like interface statistics, is not a good fit.

With pass-through scripts Net-SNMP allows one to extend the agent by delegating some sub-tree to a script defined by the pass_persist directive. Such a script will receive requests on its standard input with a very simple line-oriented protocol described in the manual page of snmpd.conf. Here is an example of interaction:
The protocol is simple enough to implement it from scratch in any scripting language. However, in Perl, you may prefer to use SNMP:: ExtensionSNMP:: PassPersist extension from S bastien Aperghis-Tramoni. You can find the complete example on Github.
use SNMP::Extension::PassPersist;
my $extsnmp = SNMP::Extension::PassPersist->new(
    backend_collect => \&update_tree
sub update_tree  
    my @interfaces = </sys/class/net/*>;
    foreach my $interface (@interfaces)  
        $interface =~ s/^.*\///;
        open(ETHTOOL, "ethtool -S $interface 2>/dev/null  ") or next;
        while (<ETHTOOL>)  
            /^\s+(\w+): (\d+)$/ or next;
            my $name  = $1;
            my $value = int($2);
            my $oid   = oid_compute($interface, $name);
            $extsnmp->add_oid_entry($oid, "counter", $value);
With Python, snmp-passpersist module, from Nicolas Agius, provides a similar interface. Look at the complete example on GitHub. pass_persist allows you to implement an arbitrary MIB module with honest performances. Here are some important things to know about this directive:
  • Unless you have a recent version of Net-SNMP, 64bit types are converted to 32bit equivalents. The counters may overflow quickly.
  • While handling a request, you are not allowed to pause (for example, to fetch a remote information): the agent would become unresponsive. If you need slow-to-get data or data from the agent, grab them in a separate thread and ensure you have them beforehand.

With AgentX protocol AgentX is a protocol defined in RFC 2741 allowing a master agent to be extended by independent sub-agents. For snmpd to become a master agent, you just need to add master agentx in snmpd.conf. Here are some of the benefits of an AgentX sub-agent over pass_persist:
  1. No configuration is needed for the master agent to accept an additional sub-agent. A sub-agent registers to the master agent the MIB modules (or part of them) it wants to take care of.
  2. A sub-agent is decoupled from the master agent. It can run with a different identity or be integrated into another daemon to export its internal metrics, send traps or allow remote configuration through SNMP.
  3. AgentX protocol can be carried over TCP. Sub-agents can therefore run on a foreign host or in a jailed environment.
  4. 64bit types are fully supported. Traps are also supported.

Perl and Python Net-SNMP provides a Perl module, NetSNMP::agent, to write a sub-agent using AgentX protocol. This module is not as convenient as the module for pass_persist described above since it does not provide a convenient layer to put required information into some datastore. Basically, it mimics the available C API. Here are a few examples of its use: There is no similar binding for Python but there is an agentx extension using ctypes. It provides a more high-level view. I did not write an example for this one but you can look at the example provided by the author.

C with new API To write a sub-agent in C, you have to choose between two API:
  1. the API inherited from UCD-SNMP also known as the traditional API;
  2. the new API developed for Net-SNMP 5.x.
With both API, an handler is registered to take care of one or several sub-trees. With the traditional API, the handler is invoked with very little information. It is then up to you to locate the appropriate variable by mapping the index part of the OID to the objects you want to export. It is quite simple for scalar objects but columnar objects with complex indexes are a pain with such an API. The new API provides various helpers. Some of them allow you to copy objects into an array or a list and let Net-SNMP library do the hard work of serving them. Another helper will provide methods to serve objects without putting them in a special structure but by providing an iterator. Some of those helpers can also help you to cache some variables. On top of this new API, Net-SNMP comes with mib2c, a tool that will help you convert a MIB module into C code: after a few questions, you will get a skeleton C code you will have to complete with the logic to retrieve real objects. A generated file also provides directions on what to do (with some magic command to have a step-by-step cookbook). I was able to implement ETHTOOL-MIB by just running it through mib2c, choosing the table container helper with cache and adding some code in ethtoolStatTable_data_access.c. You can look at the result on Github. Here is a stripped-down version2 of what has been modified:
/* Socket for ioctl */
skfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
/* Iterate through all interfaces */
for (ifa = ifap; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next)  
    /* Grab statistics name and values */
    strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifa->ifa_name);
    drvinfo.cmd         = ETHTOOL_GDRVINFO;
    ifr.ifr_data        = (caddr_t) &drvinfo;
    ioctl(skfd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr);
    n_stats             = drvinfo.n_stats;
    strings->cmd        = ETHTOOL_GSTRINGS;
    strings->string_set = ETH_SS_STATS;
    strings->len        = n_stats;
    ifr.ifr_data        = (caddr_t) strings;
    ioctl(skfd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr);
    stats->cmd          = ETHTOOL_GSTATS;
    stats->n_stats      = n_stats;
    ifr.ifr_data        = (caddr_t) stats;
    ioctl(skfd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr);
    ifIndex = if_nametoindex(ifa->ifa_name);
    /* Iterate through statistics */
    for (i = 0; i < n_stats; i++)  
        /* Declare the appropriate index */
                (char *)&strings->data[i * ETH_GSTRING_LEN],
        ethtoolStatName[sizeof(ethtoolStatName) - 1] = '\0';
        ethtoolStatName_len = strlen(ethtoolStatName);
        /* Append this new variable to the container. */
        rowreq_ctx = ethtoolStatTable_allocate_rowreq_ctx();
                    ethtoolStatName, ethtoolStatName_len);
        rowreq_ctx->data.ethtoolStat.high = stats->data[i] >> 32;
        rowreq_ctx->data.ethtoolStat.low = (uint32_t)stats->data[i];
        CONTAINER_INSERT(container, rowreq_ctx);
See? It is pretty easy. I have only enumerated all the objects I wanted to expose. I didn t even have to convert statistics names to an OID, mib2c built a ethtoolStatTable_indexes_set() for this purpose. OpenHPI project provides an extensive documentation to write a sub-agent this way. Now, on the downside, to implement a single table, I have 14 generated files whose code style is usually unfit to integrate into an existing project : some people, me included, do not like automatically generated code, all the more when it is so verbose. The solution would be to use the new API without mib2c; unfortunately, while the documentation exists, all provided examples rely exclusively on mib2c tool. Unless you are able to grasp the new API without it, I would restrict its use to two cases:
  • Writing a new module for inclusion into Net-SNMP. Since most modules are now written with the help of mib2c, there is no coding style problem.
  • Writing a standalone sub-agent for some MIB. As a standalone project, you won t run into coding style problems either.
For other uses, let s have a look at the traditional API.

C with traditional API The traditional API is way simpler and even if it is quite old, it is easier to find associated examples. Here is how to initialize the agent, again, in a stripped-down version (the complete version is on GitHub):
static oid ethtool_oid[] =  1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 39178, 100, 1 ;
static struct variable3 ethtool_vars[] =  
   1, ASN_COUNTER64, RONLY, ethtool_stat, 3,  1, 1, 2 
int main()
  REGISTER_MIB("ethtoolStatTable", ethtool_vars,
               variable3, ethtool_oid);
  while (1)
The REGISTER_MIB() macro is used to register the provided root OID (ethtool_oid) to the master agent. It also registers handlers associated to various sub-OID through the ethtool_vars[] array. Each member of this array features the following fields:
  • magic is an integer allowing one to discriminate OID handled by the same handler. For a table, this allows to handle several columns with the same handler since they share a common index.
  • type is the type of the variable that will be returned.
  • acl tells if the object is read-only (RONLY) or read-write (RWRITE).
  • findVar is the handler associated to the object. Its task will be to find the appropriate object and return its value.
  • The two last fields are the relative OID this entry is responsible for along with its length.
The prototype of ethtool_stat() handler function is the following:
static u_char*
ethtool_stat(struct variable *vp, oid *name, size_t *length,
             int exact, size_t *var_len, WriteMethod **write_method);
This function should return the value of the requested variable or NULL if no appropriate object was found. The value can be statically stored since it will be copied. Here is the description of the arguments:
  • struct variable *vp is the structure the handle was associated with, except that vp->name is now a full OID, not a relative one. You can access vp->magic to determine which column or which scalar to handle if this handler is common to several objects.
  • oid *name and size_t *length describe the OID requested. If you want to return another OID (for a GETNEXT request for example), you can modify them. name points to an OID array large enough to fit any OID you want to return.
  • int exact tells if the requested OID should be exactly matched (case of GET or SET) or not (GETNEXT).
  • size_t *var_len is used to tell the size of the returned object.
  • WriteMethod **write_method is only used if the variable is modifiable. When a SET request is received, the API will call the handler with exact set to 1 and expects to get a pointer to the function that will handle the write operation3.
To implement this function, you are on your own. When relying on externally fetched data, you need to handle a cache yourself. I have used a red-black tree for this purpose (with code stolen from OpenBSD). This also enables an easy implementation of the GETNEXT operation. Here are three projects using this API to provide SNMP support:
  • Keepalived is a VRRP daemon and a monitoring daemon for LVS clusters. I have added a complete SNMP support. The most interesting files are core/snmp.c, check/check_snmp.c and vrrp/vrrp_snmp.c. It features a tight integration into Keepalived event loop that should be reusable by other projects. It includes read-only support of all data structures (configuration, state and statistics), ability to send traps on events and a write support for some values.
  • lldpd is an implementation of 802.1AB (LLDP) which is a protocol allowing an equipment to advertise itself to its neighbors on Ethernet level. 802.1AB comes with a huge MIB module and many extensions. lldpd provides a fairly complete read-only implementation of this MIB module. Some tables have complex indexes. Have a look at agent.c. There is currently no write support and no traps but lldpd features privilege separation and some code allows it to still use an Unix socket to speak with the master agent.
  • Asterisk, an open source PBX, includes an AgentX sub-agent allowing one to grab some metrics. Look at res/snmp/agent.c.

Other solutions The manual page for snmpd.conf explores other ways to extend Net-SNMP agent under the section Extending agent functionality :
  • exec and sh are deprecated. Use extend instead.
  • pass is a bit simpler than pass_persist. The command is run once for each request. Such a command can easily be turned into a pass_persist script. Moreover, Net-SNMP will not answer any request while a pass command is running.
  • proxy redirects requests to another SNMP agent. Unless you have some code that can only act as a complete SNMP agent, it is better to use AgentX instead. For programs using Net-SNMP API, turning an agent into an AgentX sub-agent is just one line of code. Since a sub-agent involves less code than a complete agent, it is more efficient and more reliable.
  • smux has been superseeded by AgentX.
  • perl and dlmod allow one to load and execute external code inside the running agent. Unless you have important performance requirements, it is better to use a sub-agent instead: if some bug happens, only the sub-agent will be affected, not the master agent. A sub-agent sticks more closely to the Unix philosophy: write programs that do one thing and do it well . However, Net-SNMP FAQ says:
Implementing the module in C within the main agent (directly or via dlmod) is probably the most efficient and reliable, closely followed by embedded perl (or python) extensions. These have the advantage of minimal overheads between the code implementing the MIB module, and the agent framework, and no inter-process communication issues.

  1. Additional arguments for snmp* are usually required to specify a version and a community (for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c) or a user (for SNMPv3). In all examples, I do not specify anything. I assume that ~/.snmp/snmp.conf contains the appropriate bits. Moreover, some outputs are truncated.
  2. No allocations, no variable declarations and no error checkings. Do not do this at home!
  3. If you want to look at an example of how to handle a SET request, look at the
    SNMP support for Keepalived. A SET operation is more complex because SNMP ensures that the
    SET operation is atomic across all provided variables. It uses a three-staged commit. The traditional API is very inefficient for this kind of operation because the object has to be located again for each step.

14 June 2011

Philipp Kern: About versions

So Christian likes to give out awards for the best bug reporting estimates and also does statistics about developers per capita. I've got at least one area where he's on top:

The award for the introduction of the highest version into the archive goes to Nicolas Spalinger and Christian Perrier for ttf-sil-gentium. The use of a date as an epoch is amazing. The runner-up is Joey Hess with intercal (soon to be gone from Debian altogether), reusing the version number in the epoch. Somehow that fits with the crazy language the package contains.

The award for the most minimal version goes to Guido G nther with libvirt-glib. It's a number less than zero but still not negative. The runner-up is Raphael Geissert with switchsh which just happens to use 2007 as a checkout date.

3 March 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: People behind Debian: Christian Perrier, translation coordinator

Christian is a figure of Debian, not only because of the tremendous coordination work that he does within the translation project, but also because he s very involved at the social level. He s probably in the top 5 of the persons who attended most often the Debian conference. Christian is a friend (thanks for hosting me so many times when I come to Paris for Debian related events) and I m glad that he accepted to be interviewed. He likes to speak and that shows in the length of his answers :-) but you ll be traveling the world while reading him. My questions are in bold, the rest is by Christian. Who are you? I am a French citizen (which is easy to guess unless you correct my usual mistakes in what follows). I m immensely proud of being married for nearly 26 years with Elizabeth (who deserves a statue from Debian for being so patient with my passion and my dedication to the project). I m also the proud father of 3 wonderful kids , aged 19 to 23. I work as team manager in the Networks and Computers Division of Onera the French Aerospace lab , a public research institute about Aeronautics, Space and Defense. My team provides computer management services for research divisions of Onera, with a specific focus put on individual computing. I entered the world of free software as one of the very first users of Linux in France. Back in the early 1990 s, I happened (though the BBS users communities) to be a friend of several early adopters of Linux and/or BSD386/FreeBSD/NetBSD in France. More specifically, I discovered Linux thanks with my friend Ren Cougnenc (all my free software talks are dedicated to Ren , who passed away in 1996). You re not a programmer, not even a packager. How did you come to Debian? I m definitely not a programmer and I never studied computing (I graduated in Materials Science and worked in that area for a few years after my PhD). However, my daily work always involved computing (I redesigned the creep testing laboratory and its acquisition system all by myself during my thesis research work). An my hobbies often involved playing with home computers, always trying to learn about something new. So, first learning about a new operating system then trying to figure out how to become involved in its development was quite a logical choice. Debian is my distro of choice since it exists. I used Slackware on work machines for a while, but my home server, kheops, first ran Debian 1.1 when I stopped running a BBS on an MS-DOS machine to host a news server. That was back in October 1996. I then happened to be a user, and more specifically a user of genealogy software, also participating very actively in Usenet from this home computer and server, that was running this Debian thing. So, progressively, I joined mailing lists and, being a passionate person, I tried to figure out how I could bring my own little contribution to all this. This is why I became a packager (yes, I am one!) by taking over the geneweb package, which I was using to publish my genealogy research. I applied as DD in January 2001, then got my account in July 2001. My first upload to the Debian archive occurred on August 22nd 2001: that was of course geneweb, which I still maintain. Quite quickly, I became involved in the work on French localization. I have always been a strong supporter of localized software (I even translated a few BBS software back in the early 90 s) as one of the way to bring the power and richness of free software to more users. Localization work lead me to work on the early version of Debian Installer, during those 2003-2005 years where the development of D-I was an incredibly motivating and challenging task, lead by Joey Hess and his inspiring ideas. From user to contributor to leader, I suddenly discovered, around 2004, that I became the coordinator of D-I i18n (internationalization) without even noticing :-) You re the main translation coordinator in Debian. What plans and goals have you set for Debian Wheezy? As always: paint the world in red. Indeed, this is my goal for years. I would like our favorite distro to be able to be used by anyone in the world, whether she speaks English, Northern Sami, Wolof, Uyghur or Secwepemcts n. As a matter of symbol, I use the installer for this. My stance is that one should be able to even install Debian in one s own language. So, for about 7 years, I use D-I as a way to attract new localization contributors. This progress is represented on this page where the world is gradually painted in red as long as the installer supports more languages release after release. The map above tries to illustrate this by painting in red countries when the most spoken language in the country is supported in Debian Installer. However, that map does not give enough reward to many great efforts made to support very different kind of languages. Not only various national languages, but also very different ones: all regional languages of Spain, many of the most spoken languages in India, minority languages such as Uyghur for which an effort is starting, Northern Sami because it is taught in a few schools in Norway, etc., etc. Still, the map gives a good idea of what I would like to see better supported: languages from Africa, several languages in Central Asia. And, as a very very personal goal, I m eagerly waiting for support of Tibetan in Debian Installer, the same way we support its sister language, Dzongkha from Bhutan. For this to happen, we have to make contribution to localization as easy as possible. The very distributed nature of Debian development makes this a challenge, as material to translate (D-I components, debconf screens, native packages, packages descriptions, website, documentation) is very widely spread. A goal, for years, is to set a centralized place where translators could work easily without even knowing about SVN/GIT/BZR or having to report bugs to send their work. The point, however, would be to have this without making compromises on translation quality. So, with peer review, use of thesaurus and translation memory and all such techniques. Tools for this exist: we, for instance, worked with the developers of Pootle to help making it able to cope with the huge amount of material in Debian (think about packages descriptions translations). However, as of now, the glue between such tools and the raw material (that often lies in packages) didn t come. So, currently, translation work in Debian requires a great knowledge of how things are organized, where is the material, how it can be possible to make contribution reach packages, etc. And, as I m technically unable to fulfill the goal of building the infrastructure, I m fulfilling that role of spreading out the knowledge. This is how I can define my coordinator role. Ubuntu uses a web-based tool to make it easy to contribute translations directly in Launchpad. At some point you asked Canonical to make it free software. Launchpad has been freed in the mean time. Have you (re)considered using it? Why not? After all, it more or less fills in the needs I just described. I still don t really figure out how we could have all Debian material gathered in Rosetta/Launchpad .and also how Debian packagers could easily get localized material back from the framework without changing their development processes. I have always tried to stay neutral wrt Ubuntu. As many people now in Debian, I feel like we have reached a good way to achieve our mutual development. When it comes at localization work, the early days where the everything in Rosetta and translates who wants stanza did a lot of harm to several upstream localization projects is, I think, way over. Many people who currently contribute to D-I localization were indeed sent to me by Ubuntu contributors .and by localizing D-I, apt, debconf, package descriptions, etc., they re doing translation work for Ubuntu as well as for Debian. Let s say I m a Debian user and I want to help translate Debian in my language. I can spend 1 hour per week on this activity. What should I do to start? Several language teams use Debian mailing lists to coordinate their work. If you re lucky enough to be a speaker of one of these languages, try joining debian-l10n-<yourlanguage> and follow what s happening there. Don t try to immediately jump in some translation work. First, participate to peer reviews: comment on others translations. Learn about the team s processes, jargon and habits. Then, progressively, start working on a few translations: you may want to start with translations of debconf templates: they are short, often easy to do. That s perfect if you have few time. If no language team exists for your language, try joining debian-i18n and ask about existing effort for your language. I may be able to point you to individuals working on Debian translations (very often along with other free software translation efforts). If I am not, then you have just been named coordinator for your language :-) I may even ask you if you want to work on translating the Debian Installer. What s the biggest problem of Debian? We have no problems, we only have solutions :-) We are maybe facing a growth problem for a few years. Despite the increased welcoming aspects of our processes (Debian Maintainers), Debian is having hard times in growing. The overall number of active contributors is probably stagnating for quite a while. I m still amazed, however, to see how we can cope with that and still be able to release over the years. So, after all, this is maybe not a problem :-) Many people would point communication problems here. I don t. I think that communication inside the Debian project is working fairly well now. Our famous flame wars do of course still happen from time to time, but what large free software project doesn t have flame wars? In many areas, we indeed improved communication very significantly. I want to take as an example the way the release of squeeze has been managed. I think that the release team did, even more this time, a very significant and visible effort to communicate with the entire project. And the release of squeeze has been a great success in that matter. So, there s nearly nothing that frustrates me in Debian. Even when a random developer breaks my beloved 100% completeness of French translations, I m not frustrated for more than 2 minutes. You re known in the Debian community as the organizer of the Cheese & Wine Party during DebConf. Can you tell us what this is about? This is an interesting story about how things build themselves in Debian. It all started in July 2005, before DebConf 5 in Helsinki. Denis Barbier, Nicolas Fran ois and myself agreed to bring at Debconf a few pieces of French cheese as well as 1 or 2 bottles of French wine and share them with some friends. Thus, we settled an informal meeting in the French room where we invited some fellows: from memory, Benjamin Mako Hill, Hannah Wallach, Matt Zimmermann and Moray Allan. All of us fond of smelly cheese, great wine plus some extra p t home-made by Denis in Toulouse. It finally happened that, by word of mouth, a few dozens of other people slowly joined in that French room and turned the whole thing into an improvized party that more or less lasted for the entire night. The tradition was later firmly settled in 2006, first in Debconf 6 in Mexico where I challenged the French DDs to bring as many great cheese as possible, then during the Debian i18n meeting in Extremadura (Sept 2006) where we reached the highest amount of cheese per participant ever. I think that the Creofonte building in Casar de C ceres hasn t fully recovered from it and is still smelling cheese 5 years after. This party later became a real tradition for DebConf, growing over and over each year. I see it as a wonderful way to illustrate the diversity we have in Debian, as well as the mutual enrichment we always felt during DebConfs. My only regret about it is that it became so big over the years that organizing it is always a challenge and I more and more feel pressure to make it successful. However, over the years, I always found incredible help by DebConf participants (including my own son, last year a moment of sharing which we will both remember for years, i think). And, really, in 2010, standing up on a chair, shouting (because the microphone wasn t working) to thank everybody, was the most emotional moment I had at Debconf 10. Is there someone in Debian that you admire for their contributions? So many people. So, just like it happens in many awards ceremonies, I will be very verbose to thank people, sorry in advance for this. The name that comes first is Joey Hess. Joey is someone who has a unique way to perceive what improvements are good for Debian and a very precise and meticulous way to design these improvements. Think about debconf. It is designed for so long now and still reaching its very specific goal. So well designed that it is the entire basis for Joey s other achievement: designing D-I. Moreover, I not only admire Joey for his technical work, but also for his interaction with others. He is not he loudest person around, he doesn t have to .just giving his point in discussion and, guess what? Most of the time, he s right. Someone I would like to name here, also, is Colin Watson. Colin is also someone I worked with for years (the D-I effect, again ) and, here again, the very clever way he works on technical improvements as well as his very friendly way to interact with others just make it. And, how about you, Rapha l? :-) I m really admirative of the way you work on promoting technical work on Debian. Your natural ability to explain things (as good in English as it is in French) and your motivation to share your knowledge are a great benefit for the project. Not to mention the technical achievements you made with Guillem on dpkg of course! Another person I d like to name here is Steve Langasek. We both maintain samba packages for years and collaboration with him has always been a pleasure. Just like Colin, Steve is IMHO a model to follow when it comes at people who work for Canonical while continuing their involvment in Debian. And, indeed, Steve is so patient with my mistakes and stupid questions in samba packaging that he deserves a statue. We re now reaching the end of the year where Stefano Zacchiroli was the Debian Project Leader. And, no offense intended to people who were DPL before him (all of them being people I consider to be friends of mine), I think he did the best term ever. Zack is wonderful in sharing his enthusiasm about Debian and has a unique way to do it. Up to the very end of his term, he has always been working on various aspects of the project and my only hope is that he ll run again (however, I would very well understand that he wants to go back to his hacking activities!). Hat off, Zack!I again have several other people to name in this Bubulle hall of Fame : Don Armstrong, for his constant work on improving Debian BTS, Margarita Manterola as one of the best successes of Debian Women (and the most geeky honeymoon ever), Denis Barbier and Nicolas Fran ois because i18n need really skilled people, Cyril Brulebois and Julien Cristau who kept packaging alive in lenny and squeeze, Otavio Salvador who never gave up on D-I even when we were so few to care about it. I would like to make a special mention for Frans Pop. His loss in 2010 has been a shock for many of us, and particularly me. Frans and I had a similar history in Debian, both mostly working on so-called non technical duties. Frans has been the best release manager for D-I (no offense intended, at all, to Joey or Otavio .I know that both of them share this feeling with me). His very high involvment in his work and the very meticulous way he was doing it lead to great achievements in the installer. The Installation Guide work was also a model and indeed a great example of non technical work that requires as many skills as more classical technical work. So, and even though he was sometimes so picky and, I have to admit, annoying, that explains why I m still feeling sad and, in some way, guilty about Frans loss. One of my goals for wheezy is indeed to complete some things Frans left unachieved. I just found one in bug #564441: I will make this work reach the archive, benefit our users and I know that Frans would have liked that.
Thank you to Christian for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did. Subscribe to my newsletter to get my monthly summary of the Debian/Ubuntu news and to not miss further interviews. You can also follow along on, Twitter and Facebook.

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25 August 2010

Christian Perrier: [life nolife] Debconf 10 was...

...awesome. OK, I'm writing this while I'm still in USA, but there are so many things to say about these weeks that I can't write them in only one blog post. And, still, this one will be quite long as it will talk about hacking, running and sightseeing...:) Let's start about hacking: after all, this is the first reason for being there in US, isn't it? I cam to DebConf with a very long TODO list and, for the first time in seven DebConfs, I'm pretty happy with what I achieved from it: As one can see, a lot of planned work happened while I still could maintain the usual flow of recurrent work with localization (Smith reviews, l10n NMUs). Some asked me why I didn't propose l10n sessions this year. Indeed, I wasn't feeling I could sustain animating them and I had no clear idea about which topic I could bring to be discussed. Last year, these sessions slightly killed my free time and I wanted to keep some this year for "impromptu" things. I didn't attend many talks, sorry for the speakers. The most I attended were during Debian Day, which I found highlyinteresting and motivating, just like Eben Moglen's talk. Marga's talk was also one I wanted to attend, though I regreted that things went mostly out of control during the talk (too many comments from the audience to allow Marga pushing her important points). As usual, I invested a big part of my time in "social" activities, the most proeminent being of course the Cheese and Wine party, which turned ut to be a great success. The help of my son Jean-Baptiste and the tremendous support of Michelle Lynn Hall helped a lot, though I still regret that we screwed about accessibility. I also ran a lot..:-)..that may be counted as social activities as I organized several group runs. The one I'm proud of has been participating to a local race, namely the Van Cortland Track Club Summer Series of cross-country running, in Bronx. We went there with no less than 10 DebConf participants and 1 kilt (hey, Luca!). All of us completed the race (that had 170 runners for 5 kilometers) and No l K the even finished 17th scratch and 2nd in his age/gender category. Besides that, we had a great run/sightseeing to Georges Washington Bridge (that links New Jersey and Harlem and offers an unusual view of Manhattan "from behind"). All this with a 17km run. We also ran several times in Central Park, and No l and me happened to go to Coney Island for the Day Trip by doing half of the trip by running (all around Manhattan and over the Broolyn Bridge), for about 20km. Then we "showered" in the Atlantic Ocean....:). At the end of DebConf, I think that I had my record broken with 112km run in 10 days and only one day *without* running. What about sightseeing? Well, this blog post is too long and we reach the end of Interstate-90, close to Albany, so that will be for an upcoming blog post. Aug 25th update: back home, so now I can publish this blog post...

8 March 2010

Nicolas Valc rcel: Ubuntu awesome tools

Last week I was having a conversation with a friend, and while we were discussing some things I mentioned some Ubuntu tools that were completely natural for me since I use them every day in Ubuntu development and for my work, but he was completely amazed by them, so I decided to blog on the subject so more people can know about them. I m going to start with the one that impressed him the most: qa-regression-testing branch The QA and security team maintain a test suite to check for regressions in packages they are updating. These tests are written with python unittest. Most of this test suite can be a little harmful for a production system, so it s recommended to run it using a chroot environment or a virtual machine and to help with that there is a make-test-tarball script. From the script:
export HOSTS= sec-intrepid-amd64 sec-hardy-amd64 sec-dapper-amd64
export TEST=test-glibc-security
./make-test-tarball $
for i in $HOSTS; do
scp /tmp/qrt-$TEST.tar.gz $i.local:
for i in $HOSTS; do
ssh -t $i.local hostname; rm -rf qrt-$TEST; tar zxf qrt-$TEST.tar.gz; cd qrt-$TEST && ./$ -v
As you can imagine HOSTS are the hostnames of the virtual machines where the tests are going to run. Writing those test isn t rocket science, you just need a little knowledge of the package and the functionality you want to test and python unittesting, there is even a skeleton script that can help you start writing your test. Hope this information is useful for you! And as usual, patches are welcome!

1 September 2009

Nicolas Valc rcel: Canoniversary!

It has been a whole year since i joined canonical on 1st September 2008, it s unbelievable a year went that fast, i m still getting used to the company and suddenly, a whole year just went away, but as some people say, time flights when you are having so much fun. I can describe this whole year experience in just one word: AMAZING! I m having so much fun, even if i m getting out of time for other things i wanted to do, everything has it s price and working for canonical isn t an easy task, a lot is expected from you all the time, but the company policy is to be friends more than co-workers, even if we don t see each other to much. In this year i ve had the pleasure of visiting some friends all over the world while traveling for work or escaping a little before or after a work trip, i ve also had the chance to meet some people i wouldn t otherwise, like a guy i met in Germany that develops this horrible scripts that learn from my shopping customs and offer me stuff i want to buy (i said that guy that i hate him between jokes :P , c mon you hate him as well) and learned things i wouldn t in a normal local based company, i learned almost the hard way that when you say Asian people you are talking about Indians as well (isn t it Polly?) and also notice how different cultures can be, some things that are completely natural and normal for me can be really disturbing and offensive for others and vice versa. I ve also have the joy of seeing some friends join the company and grow our friendship, as well as i ve seen some good friends leave the company, but the sadness was compensated with the happiness that they are going for something better and that the friendship will continue. It s also always fun how when we meet in person is like we have worked in the same office for ever, people is always keen to have some beers, chat and test Pisco (no, i will never get bored of seeing your faces when you try it!). In summary, canonical is like a big family, you know, how people say that there is competition even inside a same company, well, this is not the case, people is always happy to help you and give you a hand when you need it, and even i thought it wasn t possible to have a weekly meeting with your boss to talk about your personal lives before you start talking about work, it s always nice to know that they care about you, not only about numbers and results! That said i wanted to thank everyone in canonical, and the ones that already left for making this company such an amazing place to work! And special thanks for the two guys that helped me had this incredible opportunity (you know who you are!)

1 April 2009

Nicolas Valc rcel: Guadalinex-Edu Beta Announcement

Guadalinex-EDU: New educational distribution based in Jaunty

Guadalinex Edu is a new GNU / Linux distribution developed by the Advanced Center for ICT Schools Management (CGA), initially created for use by the educational community of Andalucia, Spain which will be available for teachers and students within the domestic sphere. Guadalinex Edu distribution is equivalent to the future Guadalinex V6 citizen but oriented to the educational sector.

Looking for the highest possible level of stability in the distribution, the CGA will be releasing a beta version of the distribution, installable by anyone who wants it. The aim is to involve the educational community in the stabilization and development of Guadalinex Edu, before its deployment in local schools.

Guadalinex Edu Beta 1 is fully functional, but should not forget that this is a beta version which may contain errors from both: the applications included by the CGA in the distribution, and errors coming from the base distribution where it must be installed (Jaunty Jackalope Ubuntu 9.04), so it is not recommended for use in production computers and, in any case, it is recommend making a backup of important data before installation.

Within an ICT Center, Guadalinex Edu will take advantage of the network infrastructure and servers from the center to offer:

For domestic users, Guadalinex Edu is offered as a meta package to be installed on Ubuntu Jaunty and offers tons of applications like:

Plus all the benefits of Guadalinex:

And Ubuntu:

Installation instructions for home users are available here(In spanish)

If you have a Launchpad account, you can add comments and report bugs at the following addresses (if you do not have an account, you can register with Launchpad for one)


Bug reports:

Original link in spanish here

15 January 2009

Evan Prodromou: 26 Niv se CCXVII

I got tagged in the bunnymeme. I even got nagged about it. I have to admit, drawing a bunny is kind of a relief from a busy week. Here are the rules:
  1. Draw a Bunny (or more)
  2. Post it to your blog with the rules
  3. Name three other bloggers that should draw a bunny
Here is my bunny: My bunny And here are the three blogger friends I can think of who aren't too uptight and full of themselves to post a picture of a hand-drawn bunny: Update: there's a nice graph tracking the meme's progress. tags:

Montreal Startup invests in Control Yourself, Inc. On a more serious note, I'm glad that GigaOM has published a story about venture investment in my company, Control Yourself, Inc. (" Gets Funding to Make Open-source Twitter Variant"). I'm psyched to be working with Montreal Start Up to build CYI into a viable Open Source business. They've been really supportive of the Open Everything strategy, including building the OpenMicroBlogging standard. Thanks to everyone who's sent private and public congratulations. The fun part starts now! tags:

Open Source Jaiku The news came out on the same day that Google announced they're going to release the Jaiku code as Open Source software. I think this is great news. Hopefully, we can work together to build a federated network of microblogging sites running Open Source software connected with open standards. It's so important to have multiple implementations of any open standard, and I think Identica and Jaiku can be a good team for the microblogging world. tags:

14 October 2008

Adeodato Sim : Le petit Nicolas is made of awesome

Every night I can, I sit with my sister and we read half a chapter of Le petit Nicolas, in French. I read aloud, and she fixes my pronunciation. She says I’m doing well! I’m also getting to understand increasingly more and more (she helps along the way with that). I’m not sure whether it’s the magic of being written in French, or what, but I’m finding it very nice, and we laugh a lot. Maybe if I’d be reading it in a language I was fluent in it would not be the same. But, if you ever end up learning French, be sure to give it a try!

3 October 2008

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: Gammu stable version 1.21.0

Good news everyone, after long time of inactivity and huge development over past month, new stable Gammu release is out. Since 1.20.94, there are only minor fixes in handling some corner cases in AT parser, but full list of changes since last stable 1.20.0 is quite long: You can download from usual place:, Binary packages will be available soon.

30 September 2008

Adeodato Sim : French lessons

I’m practically 4 courses away from finishing my degree (the course I failed in June, I passed a couple weeks ago). 4 courses which I loathe, but that I’ll get done this year. After them, I still have to prepare something akin to a “final project”, but that doesn’t worry me much, since it’ll be something I enjoy. Apart from these 4 courses, I also have to take a couple non-computer science ones, whichever I want. I’ve decided to go for French lessons, since I’ve always wanted to learn French. I’m very excited for this. Today was my first day. I had some previous, incredibly rudimentary notions of French already, but that didn’t help not to find it a bit daunting at first: there’s so much to learn. (I can’t remember at all how I felt when I started studying English, but alas, I was a kid, when you’re taught stuff you know zero about.) I decided, though, to look it from a positive note, and make a pleasant experience out of it: not everyday one has the opportunity to dive into something completely new. I remained excited for the rest of the class, and I’m sure my classmates thought, “Why is this guy stupidly smiling from time to time?” (These are courses designed for freshmen, and I felt out of place. It seems 8 years it’s a lot of time.) Incidentally, my sister speaks French, and she’s lent me some books and dictionarys from her time as a student. Some of these were books from Le Petit Nicolas series; I had read all of them during my childhood, in Spanish. I glanced through the French versions, and recognizing every single picture in them as something I had already seen, albeit fifteen years ago, was a very weird feeling.

20 September 2008

Nicolas Valc rcel: Here i am (meme)

Following the meme… me 1. Take a picture of yourself right now.
2. Don t change your clothes, don t fix your hair just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instructions with your picture.

12 September 2008

Nicolas Valc rcel: It s name is (meme)

Following with the meme on Planet Ubuntu and started somehow in Planet Debian here it comes my machine names:
Current ones:
Laptop: Buster
Netbook: GogoDodo
Old Machines
Old Laptop: Marvin
Desktop: LePew
Work: LaFume
Palm: Tweety Did you already guessed what’s the patron? If not, i always take those names from here. Thank you Wikipedia for having the complete list of the Looney Tunes Characters.

10 September 2008

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: Gammu test version 1.20.91

New testing version of Gammu was just born. It brings quite a lot of fixes -- I simply release it because changelog got too big :-). Full list of changes: You can download from usual place:, Debian users will find packages in experimental soon. PS: I still have about 50 unread mails about Gammu, so please be patient.

9 September 2008

Nicolas Valc rcel: I m going to fosscamp \o/

I'm going to fosscamp!!

1 September 2008

Nicolas Valc rcel: VPS help!

I’m looking forward to get a VPS server with root access and ssh login, the requirements i have are not special, i just want to be able to have a mutt, screen and an irssi. It’ll we awesome if i can use it as build server too, so debian based system would be prefered. Did someone of you know/have a VPS that fits my requierements? Please let me know!

19 August 2008

Lucas Nussbaum: tiling terminals manager

I tried terminator (thanks go to Nicolas Valcarcel for asking me to sponsor a Debian upload, thus forcing me to try it, and Asheesh Laroia for doing a lightning talk at debconf about it), but I’m not convinced.
- More keybindings are clearly missing. You can only switch terminals using Previous/Next keybindings.
- More features would be great, like the ability to switch the position of two terminals (so you could reorganize them).
- It has some small usability problems, like the fact that the config is text-based, not using gconf, that it’s not possible to change the config without restarting it, that the title bar doesn’t display anything useful most of the time, since it prefixes the current terminal’s title with “Terminator: “, etc. So, is there any other tiling terminals manager I should try, before filing tons of feature requests on terminator? My other requirement is that it mustn’t reinvent the wheel, but use the gnome-terminal widget. Thank you.

6 August 2008

Christian Perrier: Holidays report

Sure, that sounds fairly formal to send a report for holidays, doesn't it? Anyway, as I have a few (often Debian/FLOSS related) friends around the world who are reading my blog entries, this might interest them so that's indeed a report..:-)...and I have time for it, so... I'm currently going back from Cahors to Maurepas (home), on my way to Debconf. We spent 10 days in Cahors with Elizabeth and the girls, finally joined by Jean-Baptiste on Sunday. We had great time over there, enjoying the richness of Quercy: So, I'm now heading back home, assemble stuff and will take off for Debconf on Thursday 7th (Paris Orly to Madrid, then Buenos Aires via Air Europa: IIRC nobody from Debconf is in the same flight). "Assemble stuff" here also means collecting cheese for the now famous Debconf Cheese&Wine party. That one will be tricky to achieve as most of us are coming from quite far away and...there are only 6 French citizens who attend DC8..:-)). Anyway, I already know that my fellow Nicolas Fran ois (namely nominated as Assistance CheeseMaster recently) will bring some good stuff. I haven't decided yet what to bring. I might be influenced by my holidays, so cheeses from South-West France are highly probable. Cahors wine will be the choice (prepare yourself: that is strong stuff). At Debconf itself, we'll have a quite busy schedule. I intend to mostly work along with Felipe, Nicolas, Grisu and others on I'll have to animate the i18n sessions for which I want to prepare some schedule instead of just "lat's gather and talk" which didn't work so well last year, IMHO. And I have that bloody keynote lecture which, BTW, could be rescheduled if I properly read debconf-discuss as, finally 9am for keynotes seems to be considered too early for the late birds at DC8...:-)... We'll see: I will certainly have something that's not very well cooked and prepared. Expect some improvisation: this year I didn't want to stress myself with a talk, slides and blahblah. Elizabeth will come back from Cahors on Saturday with the kids. She'll have a holiday week at her father's place whil ethe kids their stuff at Maurepas (this is what happens when kids are grown up). We'll gather together again on Aug 18th and I go back to work on 19th. Crazy, I know but I have a very busy and full work schedule for the upcoming next 2 months. September will be a hard time to go through: Jean-Baptiste will start his "Licence Profesionnelle" in Automated and Embarked Systems. He'll do it in shared time: half-time at university for classes and half-time working in a company (which turns out to be Essilor, the world leader for progressive glasses....and the company which Elizabeth is working for). He'll stay at my sister-in-law place during the week (30km away from our place but closer from university and work). Sophie, our 18-year old daughter, will spend the year in Toulouse, to prepare the admission in a Social Workers school. She'll have her own apartment, in the very center of the city, 20 meters away from Place du Capitole. Annoying, isn't it ? :-) So, we'll mostly stay with our "little" Magali, our 16 y.o. who will be attending High School, on her way to Baccalaur at. Tell us about shrinking families.... Now time to work on some slides for the Debconf keynote. Damn.

24 July 2008

Christian Perrier: Holidays

Tomorrow, I'll leave /home for more than 3 weeks: For people who are not tired of this, I've had the great honor of being sollicited to hold a keynote lecture at Debconf. As you'd guess, that will be about i18n in Debian. I plan it to be a kinda general thing, giving the current rough picture of how things are going (or not going). No deep technical stuff (aha, how could *I* do that anyway?), just talking with hands. From informations I have, it should be on Aug. 14th, at the beginning of the talks schedule (9:30 or so, local time...check this when the official schedule is out). Apart from that, my personal schedule for DebConf is mostly working with the i18n folks who will be there (Felipe A. van de Wiel aka "faw", Nicolas Fran ois aka "nekral") on the i18n server. Work/talk with Neil Williams about tdebs stuff and all things related to i18n and embedded stuff is also planned as well as preparing the Extremadura meeting we need to have at the end of the year.

18 July 2008

Nicolas Valc rcel: Augeas

I’ve been writing a lot about Augeas and all the process i go through to get it included in debian/ubuntu. It seems that a lot of people was following it, but some of them don’t actually understand the whole picture and what is augeas for, so i’ve been asked to write a post explaining what it is, so here we go: From the upstream homepage:
Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in their native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files.
Actually, it is a library which does all that stuff and can be manipulated using its public API. But what does this actually means? I will explain it using augtool and /etc/hosts as an example. As you might know it has the information of the host names and their IP addresses, so let’s take this hosts as an example: localhost localhost.localdomain host.domain
After parsing it on augeas we will end with:
- - - - - - - - - - - 1/
- - - - - - - - - - - - ipaddr =
- - - - - - - - - - - - canonical = localhost
- - - - - - - - - - - - alias = localhost.localdomain
- - - - - - - - - - - - alias = host.domain
So, then we might want to change some values:
augtool> set /files/etc/hosts/1/alias[2] myhost.domain
Ending with:
- - - - - - - - - - - 1/
- - - - - - - - - - - - ipaddr =
- - - - - - - - - - - - canonical = localhost
- - - - - - - - - - - - alias = localhost.localdomain
- - - - - - - - - - - - alias = myhost.domain
or add new values:
augtool> ins alias after /files/etc/hosts/1/alias[1]
what will turn into:
- - - - - - - - - - - 1/
- - - - - - - - - - - - ipaddr =
- - - - - - - - - - - - canonical = localhost
- - - - - - - - - - - - alias = localhost.localdomain
- - - - - - - - - - - - alias
- - - - - - - - - - - - alias = myhost.domain
then we need to set a value since now it’s NULL:
augtool> set /files/etc/hosts/1/alias[2] myhost
ending like:
- - - - - - - - - - - 1/
- - - - - - - - - - - - ipaddr =
- - - - - - - - - - - - canonical = localhost
- - - - - - - - - - - - alias = localhost.localdomain
- - - - - - - - - - - - alias = myhost
- - - - - - - - - - - - alias = myhost.domain
Then you can save it using:
augtool> save
Also you can add a new host, or whatever you want, just need to play with the tree. Ok, but how this Black Magic work and how can i expand it to read new configuration files? Augeas uses lenses which are a Meta Data type using regular expressions that is being used for parsing, reading and writing configuration files. If you want to play around with lenses you can check this step-by-step tutorial written by Raphael Pinson (Thank you!)

